PASS HOLDER PERKS: (Hey, the fun stuff!!!)
- UNLIMITED FunZone – Unlimited access to the FunZone, which includes attractions like the Soccer Pool Table, Xtreme Obstacle Course, Pedal Cart track, Rock Climbing Wall, and MORE.
- UNLIMITED Corn Maze (Seasonal) – Make your way through the Corn Maze as many times as you like.
- UNLIMITED MiniGolf – Have some extra time in your day, pop in for a quick 18 holes. Have a little more time…why not go around the course again to trim a little off your score.
- UNLIMITED Night Maze (Seasonal) – Don’t hesitate to enjoy our darkest attraction of the year, over and over again.
- UNLIMITED Christmas Golf (Seasonal) – Enjoy all the lights and sounds of the holidays.
- UNLIMITED $1 Off Majestic Shaved Ice – Need a cool treat on a hot day? All Pass Holders never pay full price for our Majestic Shaved Ice…for themselves, or ANYBODY who is with them! Just stop by during operating hours. Discount applies to EVERY Majestic Shaved Ice ordered, NO LIMITS, and no entrance required.
- Buddy Passes – Invite a friend along for FREE!!! HUGE SAVINGS with this Pass Holder Perk!
- Other Pass Holder Perks:
- Free Popcorn Thursdays for all Pass Holders (1 Bag of Popcorn per Pass)
- 10% OFF on Post-A-Verse
- 10% OFF on Pavilion Rental
- 10% OFF on Birthday Party Reservations
- “Fun With Purpose” Gospel Farms Wristband
- “We’re Going to Gospel Farms” Lanyard
SEASON PASS TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (Ahh, the not-so-fun stuff!)
- Pass Validity: This season pass is valid for the current calendar year only (January 1 to December 31).
- Pass Holder Benefits: The Pass Holder is entitled only to the benefits specified on their particular type of Pass, as outlined during the purchase.
- Identification Requirement: When presenting this Pass, the Pass Holder must also provide a valid form of identification.
- Pass Punching Guidelines:
- This pass features a designated area for identifying Pass type, corresponding to specific benefits. Only authorized personnel are permitted to punch the Pass.
- Attempts to punch additional areas not corresponding to the Pass type purchased may result in the forfeiture of benefits. The Pass Holder will be restricted to the benefits of the lowest tiered option punched on their Pass.
- Non-Transferable:
- This Pass is non-transferable. Attempts to share or transfer the Pass to another individual will result in revocation.
- The Mega Family Pass is only valid for the individuals listed on the Pass at the time of ordering. It cannot be given to, passed around, or shared with any other person(s).
- Lost or Stolen Pass: Lost or stolen Passes must be reported immediately. Replacement Passes may be issued at the discretion of Gospel Farms for a fee of $25.
- Pass Abuse: Any attempt to alter, duplicate, or misuse this Pass will result in immediate confiscation and may lead to a ban from future Gospel Farms entrance, events, and activities.
- Passholder Conduct: Pass Holders are expected to adhere to Gospel Farms’ rules and regulations. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of Pass privileges without refund.
- Weather Policy: Season Passes are only valid during weather permitted hours of operation. Closures may occur due to weather.
- Buddy Passes: A Buddy Pass allows admission for ONE person to only ONE attraction at Gospel Farms. Multiple Buddy Passes may be used at one time.
- *Christmas Golf: The Christmas Golf Season is a BONUS Season that is completely weather dependent. We can not guarantee Christmas Golf for any particular year, with the understanding that it may not happen at all.
- Season Passes cannot be combined with any other offers or discount. Not redeemable for cash value or refunds.
- The Gospel Farms Season Pass Program is subject to changes, additions, subtractions, cancellations, and full termination at any point and for any reason, without notice…though we highly doubt that will happen.
CHILD POLICY & GUARDIAN ON-SITE REQUIREMENTS (Ohh, the “so-everybody-else-can-have-fun stuff”)
- Guardian Presence: For the safety and well-being of all children, it is mandatory that ALL INDIVIDUALS AGED 15 & UNDER, holding a Season Pass, must have a guardian (18 years or older) present on the Gospel Farms premises at all times.
- Guardian Responsibility: Guardians are responsible for the supervision and behavior of the children under their care, ensuring they adhere to all safety guidelines and rules outlined by Gospel Farms.
- No Unattended Minors: Unaccompanied minors, even those holding a Season Pass, will not be permitted on the premises. Parents and guardians are reminded that dropping off children without appropriate supervision is strictly prohibited.
- Compliance with Policies: Pass Holders and their guardians are expected to comply with all policies and guidelines outlined by Gospel Farms. Failure to adhere to this Child Policy may result in the revocation of Season Pass privileges without refund.
By obtaining and using a Season Pass, Pass Holders and their guardians acknowledge and agree to abide by this Child Policy for the safety and enjoyment of all visitors.