THANK YOU to so many who helped us kick off our first year here at Gospel Farms!!! We were blessed to see so many families out spending time together, thankful for all the groups spending a day with us, and excited for the birthday parties celebrating their special moments here! We’re already planning for some new things for 2020 (including praying for better weather) and we look forward to seeing you at Gospel Farms in Season 2!
Preparing Mums Corn being planted Ticket/Concession Building foundation Pedal Carts are added Corn is coming up The freshly cut path New signage has arrived Ticket/Concession building being built Our skydancer welcomes you to Gospel Farms! Our very first guests!! YAY!! Paintball shooting range Mums are in full bloom Ticket/Concessions building is coming along nicely Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Can you find your way…? Welcome to Gospel Farms Corn Maze, this way!! Huffman BBQ on site with some AMAZING food!! Friends enjoying lunch! Fun on Hay Bale Hill Historical fall flood!!! UGH! We LOVE parties!!!! Fun on the The Tire Pyramid Even some room for duck-duck-goose! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Fun and games! Don’t miss the bounce house! Coloring time! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Group photo time! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Thankful for local schools coming to visit! Picture near Pumpkin Patch Night Maze…navigate at night! The big picture… Enjoy the Petting Zoo area! Clover and Ivy love making new friends! King of the mountain! Clover saying “Hi”